
It rained, and I felt like singing to my neighbors. Some of them were also playing music. The rain drops were still sounding in my mouth. I sang them.

It went like this: I placed an amp on the window. I plugged the mic. I put some magic powder on my tongue and placed the mic next to my lips. I modulated the sound of this funny "Boem Bom Bali" interacting with my saliva by gesticulating softly as if I was singing. The popping candy resonating in this resonance chamber, the courtyard, reminded the neighbors of the last rain. Some believed it was raining again.
Sing after the rain
I am - here - now

When I don't want to forget a thought or a melody, I call myself. My voice lives in my phone as my past present thinking about the future me. A reminder. This time I created a future past-based memory. A way of taking care of myself.
How can I know if what I hear is true or not if any sound can be moved around place and time? My personality is not linked anymore to the present place and time, so I can be in sound dimension next to myself, not anymore only inside of me.

Ideally it would be sound installation, with the voicemessage sounding on the place where it was recorded or in the place of the memory (the sea) and a screen with the video of the moment of recording it

A sound association of sparkling and hypnotizing water reflections with sounds of a meditation bowl. The recordings are made live while watching the visual composition and then edited.
Scale is relative. The splash of me diving in the water is like a water drop for that place.
At the end, the sound of the outside still resonates in the underwater world (or maybe it is the night, or a water molecule), as a vague echo of the bowl. Even some new creatures might be heard.

The drop inbetween
short audiovisual poems